(t5!) My Year In Lists 2010: #Hashtags! Intro
Before we do a hyper-rundown of the music of 2010, (t5!) wants to talk about everything else first. Since 2010 is the year when the idiom “making headlines” was officially replaced by “trending in Twitter”, I figure that it’s appropriate to name this list of thirty pretty amazing and important 2010 things from the realm of movies, television, sports, internets, and general pop culture after Twitter’s signifier for specific subjects—hashtags!
This list will reference every positive #Hashtag that 2010 should be remembered by. Therefore, while the Haiti earthquake and the BP oil spill were exceptionally monumental events that happened last year, they don’t exactly promote happy memories. And while Justin Bieber was annoyingly ubiquitous in 2010, I would never include him in a time capsule that commemorated everything that went down in the past year (unless we literally put him in a time capsule and have the future deal with his cocky little ass).
As usual, the list is incredibly subjective, and being that this is a one-man operation, I wasn’t able to investigate everything that happened in 2010. For instance, I heard that James Franco was phenomenal in 127 Hours, and that Terriers was a delightful television series that was unjustly cut after only one season, and that The Fighter was a movie-of-the-year contender; but I haven’t seen them personally and I would only be including them in this list based on hearsay, revealing how much of a failure I am as a critic. However, if you disagree on some of these entries, or if you feel that I wrongfully missed something, you have every right to give me an earful.
Clearly, the (t5!) 2010 #Hashtags list embodies a broader range of material. So I figured that a list of thirty wouldn’t appropriately cover a whole year. So for today, here’s twenty honorable mentions, in alphabetical order, to make the list an even fifty:
Amare Stoudemire
Angry Birds
Bed Intruder Song
Breaking Bad’s “One Minute”
Brenda Lowe
Danny Woodhead
Derrick Rose
The Hills Finale
The Human Centipede
Jose Bautista
Katy Perry’s breasts
Lauren Froderman’s “At Last”
New Orleans Saints
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Shawn Michaels’ Retirement Speech
The Town
Toy Story 3
Vancouver Canucks’ Green Men
Winter's Bone
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