(t5!) My Year In Lists 2007: Intro!

My 2007 has been eventful to say the least. Ever since I’ve decided to pack everything up and move halfway around the world, keeping up with new releases in music has been demanding. If my four avid readers haven’t noticed, I haven’t written my monthly “Best in Music” since last January and my monthly “Me and the Mixtape” is usually a month or two late. Without the convenience of a faster connection, downloading albums took longer. Even after everything has been downloaded, it’s hard to find some spare time to listen to them and think up enough clever pseudo-objective explanations to fill up an entire review. (I know it seems inconceivable, considering my voluntary unemployment).

It’d be pretty easy to just say “fuck” with all of this, to abandon this blog that nobody reads, to just listen to music without being investigative. But it’s easier said than done, I guess. I write about music because it’s a pleasurable exercise. Not because I get high on playing God by insisting my taste on an audience, but because I adore having insights about why I like the music I like. Not that this is necessary in becoming a “good” listener, but by understanding and being able to concretely articulate the reasons why a song or an album appeals to me, I’m closer to it somehow.
Writing year-end lists, usually, has been especially satisfying. So maybe by writing this, not only will I be able to reassess this year’s music, which ironically has been about the best year since I started this obsession; but I’ll also be able to renew an enjoyable habit neglected.

So here it is, my best 30 singles and 30 albums of 2007.


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