This Week on Billboard: Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around....Comes Around

This Week On Billboard is where I unabashedly critique the current no. 1 hit on, the major yardstick for what's "hot" in music today. In order to simplify the review for those who don't want to read the whole article, each song is given a "!" rating, in which the finest grabs five of them.

Weeks in No. 1: 1

Weeks in Chart: 11

From the FutureSex/LoveSounds LP


The song comes in two parts.

First, JT shows his obvious malcontent, but keeps his cool regardless. He sulks in Timbaland’s stunning symphony, soaking himself in the rain of Eastern string loops, handclaps, and soft-rock guitars. But as good as Timbaland has proven himself again here, it doesn’t outshine Justin’s cascading melodies; the first single from FutureSex/LoveSounds in which Justin’s part is stronger than Timbaland’s. In addition, Justin educates every pop-punk/emo act out there how to properly accomplish adolescent betrayal in a song.

Then, just when you’re thinking you’re already satisfied, the “…comes around” second part unfolds (which is annoyingly cut out from Edmonton local radios). The Eastern strings gets more manic, the kick drums thunders more forcefully, and reverse synths join the mix. Justin stands up with a sinister sneer on his face and he unleashes a merciless verse, causing your world to spin dizzyingly. Deservingly, the world’s greatest singles artist gets his last laugh.



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